Public speaking | Communication orale | Cours & Centre de formation en communication Bruxelles


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Formation Public speaking - 3 jours

Public speaking

Agenda formations :

9h à 17h (Journée complète)
18h - 20h30 (Demi-soirée)

Nos tarifs Devis en ligne

Description du cours :

Formation Public speaking : prise de parole en public en anglais

Objectifs du cours :

Develop consciences of our nonverbal impact during our communication with others Learning tricks used by politicians and theater actors to control stress, voice projection, amelioration of your presence in public speaking. Developing your natural talent to convince and bring the public on your side Increasing your confidence in general outside of speaking in public

Public concerné :

Toutes personnes désirant une formation dans ce domaine.

Contenu du cours : Public speaking

  • Components of oral expression
  • Verbal and non-verbal behavior
  • Expressing yourself with the appropriate gestures
  • Body dynamics in space
  • Training of breath control from the stomach
  • Coordination of voice and body
  • Stress Management
  • Familiarize yourself with your own emotions
  • Release yourself from the tension and the comprehension related to the stress
  • To limit the pressure of the moment and to find pleasurable experience
  • Acquisition and control of an effective oral communication
  • 10 principles to make your public intervention a success
  • To discover your hidden talents as a speaker for future use when needed
  • Rules for producing a coherent and positive speech
  • Construction of your speech, language and expressions
  • To convince and bring the public on your side : practical methods

Nous contacter :

boulevard Mettewie 89/42
1080 Bruxelles

Tel : +32 2 648 84 63
Gsm : +32 477 16 40 11
Email :
PixysGroup SCS

Nos avantages :

  • Type de formation : Inter-entreprise, Intra-entreprise et particuliers
  • Formation 100% flexible et personalisée : Vous choisissez le lieu, la date et le programme de formation
  • Demande de devis : Réponse dans les 24 heures.
  • Remise de 50% pour les PME Bruxelloises
  • Parking, boisson et lunch gratuit
  • Accès à notre centre de compétences : Syllabus, notes de cours, exercices,...